Bright & fast speaker cables with great imaging ?

I need some tone control for my single driver speakers which lack in the treble department and want to get the most detail out of them. The speaker cables should lead to more present cymbals and an open soundstage.

I value timing and imaging and openness the most.

Budget 400$ used.

I am open to amp and interconnect recommendations. (92db/8Ohm/small room)
I agree w/ bdp24 above regarding the Clear Day Double Shotguns.  I knew I was missing something on the top end but didn't realize how much until I got the Clear Day Shotguns installed.  These opened up my system A LOT!  Took maybe 30 seconds on the first song to hear the difference.  Even the wife thought so, and she doesn't "listen" to music the way I do.

Used if you can find 'em, but worth it even at full price IMO.
Get the detail and clarity without the brightness...Audition the JPS Superconductor 3 speaker cable.
I second the Mapleshade Double Helix.
Performers move further into the room with greater delineation, detail and extension without the etch or other annoying artifacts. You get lots of air, tone and pitch without regard.

All the best,