Broken stylus - inexpensive solution?

I recently moved and accidentally broke the stylus on my Goldring 1012GX. This really stinks because I didn't anticipate the additional expense and money is a bit tight.

To my knowledge, I can simply replace the stylus on the 1012GX with one from any of the 1000-series Goldring carts. I'm concerned, however, that this might be as expensive as purchasing a new cart. What would you recommend for someone on a budget looking for a quick fix (without lowering the sonic performance)? I have my local dealer looking into this as well, but I figured I should post anyway.

I received the cart as a freebie when I purchased the TT (Michell TecnoDec). If replacing the stylus will cost as much as buying a new (comparable) cart, then I'm open to suggestions.


Showing 1 response by jferreir

Ah crap, I had a feeling this was going to be a costly repair...

Now that I have to replace the stylus, is there a noticeable improvement between the styli for the 1012GX, 1022GX, or 1042? I assume the price difference between the various styli is between $50-$150.

If performance improves, I just might opt to buy one of the more refined styli. That way, I can tell myself it was a moderate upgrade instead of a stupid, costly mistake.