
For over 20 years I used Bryston pre- and power amps. Then came the streaming era and somehow I never went back to Bryston. 
Now it occurs to me that nobody on A'gon seems to mention  this once-revered Canadian line. So, what's the story? I know they still have US dealers.


Lots of info on this since the move to Dwight Ontario after purchasing Axiom.


Company went from being located in the "Boonies" to a further location about 2hrs in the middle of no where. Very few employees went with the move, hint, hint. In the last year subtle changes to the exterior but no one is talking about the inside. If fit and finish are tanking already what will happen to the internals?


For about 4yrs now good luck getting a hold of them. Sporadic communications about repairs to some, good for others. It’s all over the world since the big change- I can't recall immediately however someone important died or left the company, one of the founders I believe.


I in Canada and have owned Bryston. It was quality gear

Hard to believe their latest cubed amps came out about nine years!!! ago so not much new to talk about since their amps are by far their most popular products. They more recently introduced a higher-end (for them) preamp that seemed to land with a thud probably because their preamps unfortunately fly under the radar, which is too bad because I had a BP6 and really liked it a lot. I also think their DACs are very good and likewise are under appreciated although I don’t think they’ve introduced much new there either recently, which isn’t great especially in the digital world. They were bought four years ago so are no longer a family-run business, and that reorg hasn’t produced much by way of new products so not sure what’s going on but they don’t seem to be in any immediate trouble.

BRYSTON is alive and well up here in Ontario.

The “old” amps division is still in Peterborough, and their digital division moved to AXIOM’s location in Dwight.

it was during the merger that their companies consolidation via merger logistics fell down for a period land created the psst issues on delays in repairs etc..