Bryston 4b loud buzz

I bought this amp on eBay about 2 months ago partly because it had significant service which included replacing 10 transistors. Everything was fine and we were just watching TV when out of nowhere a pronounced loud buzz came out of the right channel. At the time the volume was pretty low and because of my tinnitus I can't turn it up much anyway. I did the input and speaker wire swap to confirm that it was the right channel and the fuses are good. It had operated in this configuration with the other components for some time. I disconnected it and now just run everything through my HT unit and all is well. So what's wrong with this?

Sent an email to Mike on Friday.
I still need to open it up just to see if it's an easy fix.
I'll let you know.
Thanks everyone.

Agree w/ twoleftears-

consult Bryston directly, unless, there is an authorized repair center near your locale. Keep us posted on this development.

Thanks guys. I think I'll pop the top and see what I can do. I had 2 years of electronics in high school a million years ago so I know just a little. I guess there is a loose connection in there. Is there anything that would be the likely culprit?