Bryston B-100 question

I have B&W 804 speakers and considering purchase of Bryston Integrated B100 & CD Player BCD-1
Would that be a good match
I have read conflicting opinions
Some say musical others say lean & cold
I don't follow
How do I demo with the B&W's
I don't think stores in Manhattan are that anxious to accomodate
I would have to purchase them
After calling 2 stores in Manhattan that carry Bryston
None had the B-100 available to listen only to purchase.
Bring your B&W's to the dealer if they have one at the store. It won't be the same as your home but at least you can get an idea of the sound. Another option if they do not do in home demos ask about a satisfaction guarantee - something like if I don't like it within say 30 days you can get a refund. I mention 30 days only because in my opinion the brand new equipment will need break-in time to sound their best and some people will sell what they just got because it wasn't broken in. For me it was about 100 hrs on my B-100.
I think the B100 is based on the 2BSST ... if the store has one of those in stock you could listen to with your speakers it should give you some indication of how the B100 would perform
If this is any help, I have a pair of the 804S and when I was looking for an amp and cd player, both of the Brystons you mentioned were on my short list. I did end up choosing the Bryston CD player, but the amp I purchased is a Simaudio I-7 integrated. I preferred the sound I was hearing from this amp. This, of course is subjective, and someone else could find the opposite to be true. I also liked that it had a little more power (150 vs 100 WPC). but this may not be an issue for someone else. Also on my short list was a McIntosh 402 amp/C46 preamp. This would have stretched my budget a little too far for comfort, so I did not make this choice. I have lived with my system for 8 months now, and I am enjoying my music very much. Maybe the Mac/Bryston pair would be just a little nicer to my ears today, but the Simaudio/Bryston pairing works very well with the 804S's and I have no regrets in my decision. Had I not heard the Simaudio, or had it been beyond my budget, I would probably be saying the same thing about the B100, as it was also a very nice unit. The dealer I have purchased most of my system from always told me "whatever makes your toes tap", and that is good advice. Just as the comments that preceded this are good advice....try that combo with your your own setting if possible, and if it makes your toes tap you have your answer.