Bryston owners: What speakers are you using?

Just curious as to what speakers you've got mated with your Bryston gear. I've got PSB Stratus Silvers (Bryston 3B amp/BP4 preamp). I've had 'em for about 3 years now and I'm coming down with a case of upgrade syndrome.

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I'm using Talon Khorus X speakers with my BP-25/4BST, and OH MY GOD ..... I wish you all could listen to them!!!! If I tried to put to words what I hear/feel from them, I would say.... heart pounding, goose bumps, together with that feeling when you feel your face blush... except the blush is over your entire body and it happens all the time!!! I not over exagerating either.
SP1.7/4B-ST to B & W CDM-9NTs

Pretty good combo, I am looking to upgrade the speakers soon. Considering more B & Ws, Silverline, and Dynaudio, as a start.
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