Bryston owners: What speakers are you using?

Just curious as to what speakers you've got mated with your Bryston gear. I've got PSB Stratus Silvers (Bryston 3B amp/BP4 preamp). I've had 'em for about 3 years now and I'm coming down with a case of upgrade syndrome.

B&W 9NTs hooked to a Bryston 14 BST.Wife and budget permitting the 9NTs will make way for B&W 802Ns.
do yourself a favor and go check out the gold reference series from Monitor Audio! (GR60s, if you can find them) They are a very good match for any Bryston equipment. Plus they are a bit less expensive than others mentioned in the post and I would bet they are better. I have a pair and they are incredible! Don't buy into that business about MA being "bright". The people who post that have not listened to the new generation. Plus they were probably running silver wires into the older Monitors Audios. Anyway enough of my rant. Go check them out!!!