Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions

Hi All,

I'm looking suggestions for a high quality ss 2-channel amplifier (120-150 WPC) made between 1998-2005 that may have sold for $2000-3000 but today would go for $800-$1100. What would you be looking for?

Best Regards,
From that era, I would recommend the Jeff Rowland Model 1 Amp, wonderful sound and gorgeous build.  Jeff Rowland still owns his Company, so new upgrades and service are still available, and last Summer Jeff developed a new Circuit for the Model 1.  If you need more power, buy another Model 1 Amp and Bi-Amplify.  
And I agree with Meadowlark, I think that you will be happier with the Sound of a small, affordable, low feedback, Triode-capable Tube Amp like a Rogue Audio Stereo 100.  I would also look for older Cary Audio Amps like the Rocket 88, the CAD-50M's Ver.2 or Ver.3, or maybe some SLAM-100's.


Hello Mikte15 I just bought new amps and I have a Odyssey 150 black finish. works great, I will sell for $600. I my opinion these Odyssey amps are the best bang for the buck.  I also owned the Carver Sunfire its good but the Odysseys beat them.
Note that the use of McIntosh products can lead to forgetting to use commas in forum posts. Also, I had a Forte Model 55 that sounded great, but not as great as my previously mentioned Jolida which, as I also mentioned earlier, has tubes stuck in it that GLOW…who wouldn't want that? You can take a tube out and roll it around in your hand (assuming the tube is not still hot as hell) and admire it…do you take out a transistor and roll it around in your hand and admire it? NO YOU DON'T…I rest my case.
In 2001 I bought a Conrad Johnson Sonograph SA 400 power amp (200 wpc) and SA 25 preamp, which retailed for $1800 and $1100. I recommend either or both highly; I sold them only because I moved to tubes. The $1100 125wpc SA 250 was Stereophile Class B at the time. CJ MF series power amps from that era are also in your price range.