Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions

Hi All,

I'm looking suggestions for a high quality ss 2-channel amplifier (120-150 WPC) made between 1998-2005 that may have sold for $2000-3000 but today would go for $800-$1100. What would you be looking for?

Best Regards,
Note that the use of McIntosh products can lead to forgetting to use commas in forum posts. Also, I had a Forte Model 55 that sounded great, but not as great as my previously mentioned Jolida which, as I also mentioned earlier, has tubes stuck in it that GLOW…who wouldn't want that? You can take a tube out and roll it around in your hand (assuming the tube is not still hot as hell) and admire it…do you take out a transistor and roll it around in your hand and admire it? NO YOU DON'T…I rest my case.
In 2001 I bought a Conrad Johnson Sonograph SA 400 power amp (200 wpc) and SA 25 preamp, which retailed for $1800 and $1100. I recommend either or both highly; I sold them only because I moved to tubes. The $1100 125wpc SA 250 was Stereophile Class B at the time. CJ MF series power amps from that era are also in your price range.
I would be looking for a Conrad Johnson MF 2300A. I have had a lot of amps and this one is the best sounding in this price range besides a McCormack DNA-1 with upgrades. The MF 2300A sounds good from the start but continually improves for up to 24 hours.
My bid would be, as some have mentioned, a Adcom, either GFA555 or GFA5500, ($350.00 - $500.00 used) or, for a bit more money, a Bryston 3Bsst ($1,200 - $1,500 used). Both the Adcom and the Bryston amps require a substantial warm up to sound their best, but when warmed up properly, compete with many much more expensive amplifiers. Also, both the Adcoms and the Brystons are high currant and able to nicely handle demanding loads.
I've had a few more expensive amps but dollar for dollar, still love the Adcoms and Brystons.,