Budget Hunter: Spendor S8e vs Totem Hawk

I'm replacing a pair of B&W Matrix 804s with something less fatiguing and (hopefully) more musically involving.

A pair of Spendor S8e ($1200) and a pair of Totem Hawks ($1800) are for sale locally. I like what I've read about both. Before I drive an hour and a half in opposite directions to audition, I hoped I might get some insights from this group about any personal experiences you may have had. Likes and dislikes. My tastes in music runs the gamut but the human voice is the common thread through all of it.

The rest of my system is capable but modest. A Musical Fidelity A300 dual mono Integrated (150/250), MF A3 CD transport, Denafrips Aries II, Rega P2 and a Bluesound Node2i.

Thanks in advance!
Those speakers should have the inserts to attach the grills. I owned those speakers about ten years ago!
Take a look at the speakers in the review. The plinths are attached to the bottom and the badge is at the bottom and not where they are located on the ones that you are looking to buy. Take my advice and pass on those!
@jetter yes, the seller actually states in the audio mart post above that "Spendor S8e speakers in beautiful condition . they have new laminate on the cabinets ,and look as nice as they sound ."