Budget single disc player-under $600

NAD 515 ? NAD 545? Marantz 5003 ? Cambridge 340 and 540?, Music Hall 25.2? Best sound? Best transport? Best at format versatility?
I want to keep to these choices since these are the ones I can
see at local two channel retailers. Thanks
I just demoed the NAD C545BEE and Marantz 5003. Both are nice. I thought the NAD sounded fuller and more dynamic. The Marantz seems sturdier, but not as fun to listen to.

I owned the Music Hall cd25.2 and Cambridge 540C (ver. 2). The MH is very nice: super quiet transport, nice build, transparent sound. I liked the sound of the Cambridge 540, too, but at low volume I could hear the disk spinning from across the room.

Haven't heard the NAD 515 or Cambridge 340.
Should have added that my Music Hall wouldn't play a lot of home-burned cds. No problem with the CA, and the NAD and Marantz are supposed to work well, too (but I don't have first-hand experience with them).
Check out the Yamaha DV-1800. It does SACD & DVD-Audio and can be had on Amazon for $79.99. It listed for $449 back in '07.
Spot an Arcam Alpha 8 or an Alpha 9. These are very good players that can be had for a 1/4 of what they were. They are a bit older now but will still stand up to anything else in the price range.