Building a Music Server that will play all formats

I'm a mac person but want to build a stand alone music server for my hifi that will play all my MP3 and loss less files BUT most importantly will play flac files all in one simple player. I was thinking a Dell Zino connected to a TBD DAC. Any thoughts on this plan? Thoughts on player? Media Monkey or Songbird?

System: Vandersteen 5A, Rogue 180 monoblocks, Rogue Pre, VPI Classic.

Arguably the conversion from from one lossless file type to another should be identical as long as you do not change sampling rate and bit depth. Meaning it is still hi rez. FLAC = ALAC, WAV= AIFF.
Why not buy a oppo 93 and go usb in from a hard drive. Also,why not forget about FLAC or any compression. With today's hardrive costing very little it seems unnecessary. You can get 2-3TB hard drives for $120-225. Back a few years ago when the same was not available or would have cost you $1000-1500, then it made sense. Today?....
Foobar 2000 or JRiver playing in wasapi mode are normally considered the best sounding players. Also, I've read fairly consitantly that Windows 7 has a better driver base and is typically thought of as the best sounding. Big argument between wav and flac files, then ASIO/Kernel streaming or wasapi. I am using wav, but haven't campared to flac. I went that way after reading several hundred forum threads, most thought they were equal, but a few held firm that wav had more air. Most, seem to think that wasapi was the way to go.
This should be enough to give you food for thought.
Good Listening, Tim
Thanks for all the helpful advice. To break it down:

Songbird or
MediaMOnkey or
Foobar 2000 or

Which is the simplest, most itunes like player that handles all audio media formats?

Cast your votes!