My Lenco is finished! All I can say to anyone contemplating this project is, "Just do it!" and "Run, don't walk!"
It's taken me about two weeks of obsessive tweakage, burn-in of tonearm wire, etc., but the results are absolutely glorious. Frankly, I have to say that what I am listening to right now is, without a doubt, the best music playback system I've ever heard. And this is with a $300 cartridge and a $600 tonearm. The complete cost of this record player stands at under $1,500. That includes cartridge, arm, a $150 fee for renting shop space for a month, $200 for the used Lenco and under $200 for supplies including some tools I had to buy.
My Lenco has just replaced a very highly regarded belt drive table that I've had for 18 years and has been very well upgraded and tweaked.
And not to conflate two different threads, but anyone who says that digital currently beats vinyl in any kind of sonic way either has not heard excellent vinyl playback or they have tin ears. Sorry, but it's the way I see it. I have what was Naim's top of the line CD player just a year and a half ago, and while it sounds very GOOD, it does NOT sound NATURAL, like what I'm listening to right now. Granted, I have not heard the new top-of the-line Naim player, which some have said sounds analogue. But then again, the vinyl playback system that they're using as their reference is probably a belt-driven LP12.
Uh-oh....Am I becoming an "idler snob"?