Bulk power cables suggestions

I need help giving my system proper PCs.  Bulk cables at 150 USD per meter max. to get a good basis before Going/DIYing further. I have a QB8 with Red Dawn and generic PCs.
My needs are for Ncore nc1200 amp, a Truth preamp and a streamer/dac.
Thank you!
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I replaced a mixture of old generation Isotek, and some other well regarded manufacturers power cables with DIY. Oyaide black mamba v2 with furutech plugs and oyaide IECs (c-004). Very surprising uplift in SQ on my digital sources and Lyngdorf TDAI3400.

its a very very rigid cable which is difficult to work with but get the lengths right and you can keep the cables suspended relatively easily. I think that helps with vibration control. I also used FO.q ta 102 and ta 32 damping tape on the cable grips and other parts of the plugs and iec. Also using total contact contact enhancer (no longer available) but you can get other offerings from furutech, oyaide walker audio and others. Well worth going this extra mile.
For your amps that draw serious current or produce decent heat stick to a min of 2 meters and 12 AWG. If it’s a source I would go a minimum of 1.5 meters and 14 AWG. I use Nordost in my system due to this is what I could audition and sounded the best. Blue Heaven for 14AWG and Red Dawn for the amp. Purple Flair for the figure eight stuff. https://holmaudio.com

I've seen millercarbon pretty much post the exact same message in another thread somewhere.  Many have had huge success with DIY cables.  VH Audio and high end bulk cables can be very good.  I actually like to get a used Audioquest NRG-4 and chop the ends, then re-terminate with Furutech rhodium plugs.  The Audioquest is a very good and affordable solid-core conductor design (which I think is much better than any stranded conductors).