Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 

Post removed 

Awwwww Blesssss @tubebuffer

u No Hot Tubby Pool pARTy with No1 Jiggy Jiggy and LoVe You LONG Time , PumP Iron N Eat DuriAN … No Need Sildenafil

Tubebuffer must be a Liberty University graduate, communications and biblical sex education degrees. Dual major. Very impressive. Guessing he carried MC’s books.

I am a Robot with a copy of The Handmaid’s Tale

wait find out maid member of moral majority. moving van Texas plates with sister riding gunshot. Anixous on ten thousand opportunity rat out . Wonder if generator can heat pool blizzard power grid supercede my spelling, spelting 


i am a Borat robot for Jesus