Butler TDB 5150 Amp -- Anyone hear this yet?

Trying to do some homework on new amps. This has a couple great reviews, but I haven't seen many posting regarding it on this site. Just wondering what people think who have heard it.
BK told me my amp, serial #--10, is one of the earlier 5150's produced. I beleive the upgrade is for the earlier models just to allow them to run a bit cooler. I didn't think it ran excessively hot anyway. Replacing the power transformer cured the buzz. Mine was a store demo and even though it looks flawless who knows how it was treated. They are built like a tank though and sound great. Hope to have mine for many years. Nice chatting with you Robin, time for another Newcastle and some tunes....Paul
i also have a 5150 and love it have upgraded to some snell speakers and hope to get a butler pre pro when they come out... is the upgrade a thing you should do if you havent had any problems ,,,and are they doing it for free ,shipping and everything? thanks keith
I have a pair of Butler A-100's on the way. I should have them in the next few days. I auditioned them at Todd Anthony's Stereo in N.C. They are just one of the best amps that I have ever heard in any price range. These go for $ 12,000 but compare with amps twice their price. I will be using them with a pair of Kharma 1.0 speakers. THANKS TO TODD FOR ALL THE HELP AND A GREAT AMP. I will post an update after they burn in.

Are there any other owners out there?
I have the Sunfire Theater Grand 3 which I love, but you know Audiophiles we always want to try new things. How would you rate this to my Sunfire.
Yep, have a 5150 in my home theater rig - for now, just driving 3 Definitive Tech Mythos speaks - for me, a perfect marriage of tubes and solid state...more akin to a push-pull sound than my preferred SETs, but in the context of the video system it's just the ticket. Plenty of clean power, timbrally accurate, runs COOL and has that bitchin' blue glow thang happening.