Buy 12ax7 tube

Hi im searching for best vacuum tube in low distortion and accurate sound up to 40$/each
For my vincent 226 mk2

I can buy raytheons black plate and rca black plate and genalex gold lion are they any good or you have some more options?!

Thanks in advance
As far as a speaker upgrade, IMO Audio Psychic is a very special speaker. Is there something you dont like about your current speakers? How do they match up with the Vincent?

I want to say i increased distance of my speaker from wall and bass is better now

Thanks for your power strip advices @lowrider57 
I should buy it
Its my speaker test with slow music think its very good and im quite happy

But it cant handle fast and sophisticated genre like trance and metal and even most of pop musics
I will make a demo with complex songs maybe you hear the unpleasant sound of speaker
I bought power strip and no change in my sound 
I should say again that my sound quality is perfect except bass that hasnt detail 

I think other option is buy vacuum tubes
What do you think about this one?
Adding a power strip is an upgrade over your previous setup. Your system may not be revealing enough to notice a change in SQ, but your components are now getting better current delivery.

RCA makes great tubes, all provide a lush, liquid midrange and clear highs.
But you may be in need of a more neutral tube.

I also found some jg 5751,trigon,zaeux And cei that i like to know what are they

All of them arround 20$
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OP... CEI was a distributor that sold quality tubes made by other manufacturers. 

Zaerix relabeled other manufacturers' tubes. I found a couple in used components.

Buying tubes for $20 without etched factory codes or test results is a shot in the dark. Even if it sounds good, it may not last long. And with rebadged tubes and no description, you won't know their sonic signature.  
My advice, spend some money and buy from a reputable dealer who posts tube measurements and offers exchanges. There are many good NOS tubes for $50.

@bimasta, I love NOS Tung-Sol AU12's. I find them to have tonal purity, good extension, and a slight but pleasant tube bloom. 

A 7025 RCA is a premium low noise tube. I believe it's the equivalent of an RCA longplate. 
Don't know anything about the Canadian factory.
I bought the white label 7025a rca and my system sound better now😍
Next step is a good usb cable and make an furutech rca cable with raw cables!