Buy a $40,000 10 year old amp for $4,000 or new amp for same money?

Hi. There are bargains to be had on really high-end components that are more than a few years old. DACs change too much and we need the newer technology. How about amps and pre-amps? I know it can depend on the specific amp but in general is a 10 year old amp that was $40,000 in 2009 and now sell for $4,000 a better value than a new amp that sells for $4,000 in 2019?  How much has amplification evolved in the past decade or so? (I posted a similar questions about speakers in that forum). Thanks for all the input and wisdom. 
@mcmanus has posted the same questions about DACs, Speakers and Amps.  Silly questions!
from 40k to 4k in 10 years time something is not right.
Well, think of Wilson Speakers...
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I think there was a pair of wamms for sale for close to 75% off their original pricebut the wamms are probably far inferior to the alexandria xlf'sive also seen some older wilsons sell for about 50% off, but i think the new ones like daw, alexia 2 will retain value a bit better. at least until the daw 2 or alexia 3 comes out.