Buy tubes from Audio Research or not

I need to retube my amp and I'm having trouble deciding whether I should buy my tubes from Audio Research or buy them on the open market. If you have any experience with this I'd appreciate your help.
Do more research. I could be wrong, but I remember there being problems with retubing and biasing VT-100 amps. Unfortunately, I don't remember which version of the amp. What I do remember of the discussion was that Upscale Audio would no longer sell tubes for the amp because of the problems buyers faced installing them.
Taters if you're worried talk to Howard at Audio Specialists in Studio City he's a great tech, repairs ARC and will know what does and doesn't causes problems.
it is sort of like the way my dad likes to buy cars from his local franchised car dealer. he ends up paying more, but to him it is worth the peace of mind.

with your amp-ARC uses the sames tubes available around the internet, but for the price you pay, they are hand-selected by them and fall within the parameters suited for your amp-----you may end up at the same end result with an aftermarket source, but there is always the chance you may end up with some issues.
Check out TUBEDEPOT SED SV6550C. Just order matched quads or better yet 8 matched tubes!!
Buy from the open market, but from reputable, well-established tube vendors. Flea-bay is a real crapshoot w at least a 50% not as advertised rate, IME.
Fortunately Cmalak confirms that you do not have to buy directly from ARC. What I would have done if they would void your warranty is buy the tubes from a someone other than ARC, but keep the old tubes, so if you have a problem, you can return your amp with the ARC tubes. I don't think this is nearly as underhanded as the prices that these equipment makers are charging their customers.
I'm not under warranty. I just need to know if it is worth spending 300.00 more to buy the tubes from ARC. A tech I spoke to today said he will not guarantee tubes bought on the free market. He only will give a warranty on ARC installed tubes.
Kurt/Taters...i have checked with Leonard at ARC and he said the use of tubes (non-ARC supplied) will not void the warranty (assuming that Taters unit is still under warranty) which it is probably not since the VT-100mkIII was discontinued in 2006 and typical ARC warranty is 3 yrs. But anyway, just thought I'd let you know that use of non-ARC tubes does not void their warranty.

I seem to recall that ARC had some provision in their warranty that stated that the use of non-ARC tubes may void the warranty. I recommend that you check it out before doing any tube rolling.

Good Luck!
Taters...i think you end up paying 2x what you can pay from a decent tube supplier if you purchase from ARC. What amp do you need to retube?
I have done it both ways..I guess I would say if you love the way it sounds now and just plan on changing to new tubes go the cheapest way out and get the same tubes..Personally I like to experiment and prefer going to a realible tube supplier and try different NOS tubes.............Either way is fine..Plenty of good realiable tube suppliers out there..