Besides a passport and currency conversion what is involved with driving into Canada from the US and purchasing audio equipment and bring it back to the US.
take Elizabeth's advice. I got in trouble w/ customs cause I declared the value way too low, and they knew Harleys were much more expensive. My buddy and I were foolish, I think you'll be fine.
Yea printing out the ad is a good idea of course a bill of sale is a must. I had a concerns fees could get out of hand. Canada looks to be a viable option. Thanks for the responses.
I bring stuff back from Canada all the time. My family has a summer home in the Thousand Islands. Half the time they don't even care and just let you through. For me it depends also on where I cross to come back home. Ogdensburg is the best so when I come back from Montreal that's where I cross. I don't have as much luck crossing at Wellesley Island.
Keep ALL your receipts. The agents have called the hotel on me when I couldn't locate a hotel receipt. It's easy to go over but can be a bear coming back. Great country. The people are awesome.
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