Buying in Canada

Besides a passport and currency conversion what is involved
with driving into Canada from the US and purchasing audio
equipment and bring it back to the US.
I have seen a couple a class A amps on Canuk Audio Mart I have desired, being sold in the Toronto area. Owners don't
want to ship because of the weight. Toronto isn't that far
and I would rather drive and pick up if I could rather than
have it shipped. Also from what I just gathered from net
the fees charged buy UPS or Fedex to get through customs is
prohibitively expensive.

I've read some things about NAFTA and merchandise being made in the trade zone being exempt but one of the amps was a Plinius which is made in New Zealand

So anyway I did find a site called and
if it's accurate the tax rate is 4.9% for most electronics
plus a $25 fee. Considering the amps value at aprox four
thousand that would not be to big of hit. Although I
wonder how they would determine the value of a used amp.
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take Elizabeth's advice. I got in trouble w/ customs cause I declared the value way too low, and they knew Harleys were much more expensive. My buddy and I were foolish, I think you'll be fine.
Yea printing out the ad is a good idea of course a bill of sale is a must. I had a concerns fees could get out of hand.
Canada looks to be a viable option. Thanks for the responses.