Buying used vs new?

Chance to buy a preamp used at half price.  Its been used for several years.  Seems a good thing. Worth doing?
Depends on the preamp. Which one?  Saving money is good....getting great equipment with your money is better.
Nearly every component in my system, including my preamp, was purchased used, either on here or the other major resale site. The only things that were purchased from a dealer were my speakers but I bought them as demo models, and my turntable, also a demo. Preamp should be absolutely fine as a used purchase. Would probably avoid buying a TT used unless you can pick it up in person. Too many little fiddly moving parts that could get damaged in transit. 
There’s a lot of considerations between new and used purchases, including warranty and availability for gear support if needed. My systems contain a mix of new and used gear. I was able to pick up my VAC preamp for 55% of new retail buying used. It had only been used for 6 months and there was no way I would find anything new to compete with it in the same price level I paid.
Buying used can be a good option; you said several years but not how many.  5? 10? 40? 50?  I've bought most of my equipment used but I've drawn the line at things made in the 70's and 80's - some parts are not available for certain models, so you might be left scrounging for second hand parts or trying to cobble together your own.  A selling point often touted for older MacIntosh units is that they can be serviced no matter how old they are, but even with those certain parts are not available.