Buying Without Audition

Surely I'm not the only one with the dilemma of living out in the boonies with no audio equipment dealer (other than Walmart) within 100+ miles.  How does one choose among the many speakers offered in any given price range without listening to them before buying?  The reviews are often skewed by self interest and, in any event, what you hear and what you like is completely subjective and the prosaic descriptions in the reviews mean different thing to different people.  After all, you really can't accurately describe in words what someone else might hear. The problem is compounded if you wish to buy "used" from a private party as there often is no right of return, and when there is, the cost of shipping both ways is a significant consideration, especially when looking for floor speakers.

Any educated suggestions?
BTW,  anybody familiar with a full range speaker system with "detailed" sound that can be placed within 18" of the back wall?
You could try Zu speakers, if you buy new, they have a trial period. They are also relatively low cost and easily powered. Email them, they are very responsive.

You haven't given us the dimensions/specifics of your room- which would help in giving you recommendations. Can I ask what brand of speakers you were considering? 

I don't have a dedicated sound room. The audio system is in my living room. The room is approximately 25 x 16 with a sloped ceiling that goes from 8 feet to about 12 feet high. I was quite impressed with a set of PSB Imagine small towers. The imaging and detail were excellent (at least in the showroom).  I would like to hear their Synchrony model which should more depth and bottom end. I'm not familiar with Zu and will do some research, thanks.
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I haven't heard the PSB, so I can't comment on their sound.
My listening area is similar to yours (minus the sloping ceiling), so you probably don't need tons of power-unless you like to listen super loud.
(Also, you don't mention your other equipment).
As I mentioned before, I think the Zu might suit you. They aren't 'laid back', but very honest and revealing, maybe just your cuppa'. Also, looking at the prices of the X2T show them to be around $650 (I don't see the Synchrony line). If you can budget around $1K+, then you could probably get a nice older floor standing model Zu used. There are a pair of bookshelves for sale on Agon, but I think you would need a sub for the lower frequencies- so better to stay with the floor standers.
I own Vandersteen 3a sigs and the Zu Union. Both are very capable, though I listen to the Vandy's most.