the "buzz" about class A amps usually results in popular discussions about crossover's easier to imagine this voltage based boundary condition than, say thermal distortion mechanisms manifesting non-linearites which may actually do more sonic harm than crossover distortions. The class A approach minimizes the thermal distortions by maintaining a more or less constant device temperature, and therby reducing the distortions caused by heating and cooling (consider a class B amp: junction temperatures and the gain non-linearities rise and fall much faster than the massive heat sinks they are strapped to, which are more an RMS type thing).
Other positives about class A involve less modulation based noise on the power rails (since the output devices are constantly "on" the rails are subject to a more fluid load), and of course the often mentioned cross-over distortion. As Ngjockey states and as I can attest to, the primary differences when running the sa102 in class AB/ vs A are:
When thermally stablized (after about 45 minutes-- and btw, more indication that the benefits of class A are not due entirely to absent crossover distortion) in class A
1)image depth increases noticably
2)vocalists take on a rounder more coherent tone
3)fine treble shadings becoms more apparent
4)overall 'feel' seems more natural and grainless
no big changes in bass power or dynamic "slam"
just more refinement overall...its like you have two amps in one...and its fun to listen for a while in one mode then another and hear this over and over...
hope this helps!
Other positives about class A involve less modulation based noise on the power rails (since the output devices are constantly "on" the rails are subject to a more fluid load), and of course the often mentioned cross-over distortion. As Ngjockey states and as I can attest to, the primary differences when running the sa102 in class AB/ vs A are:
When thermally stablized (after about 45 minutes-- and btw, more indication that the benefits of class A are not due entirely to absent crossover distortion) in class A
1)image depth increases noticably
2)vocalists take on a rounder more coherent tone
3)fine treble shadings becoms more apparent
4)overall 'feel' seems more natural and grainless
no big changes in bass power or dynamic "slam"
just more refinement overall...its like you have two amps in one...and its fun to listen for a while in one mode then another and hear this over and over...
hope this helps!