buzz/hum from tv

I have a 31" Panasonic tubed tv in a HT set up. I am using the Paradigm Studio 100's/450cc/dipolars for speakers. Ensemble wires rca's/power. Integra Research RDA7 amp and Marantz av9000 preamp. I have a minor noise, when the tv is off, with system on, but the noise is about 3x as loud when the tv is on.
I have also noticed that the closer the speakers are to the tv (front/center), even with the sound system off, (tv on) the speakers pick up a buzz. There is also a buzz from the tv's own speakers (which I do not use).
I believe it's the tube of the tv. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Isolate the problem. Do you have cable? Thats always a big problem. Dissconnect the cable. What kind of lights? Any dimmer swithes? Do you have a power strip hooked up on an outlet with everything plugged into it?

I disconnected the cable (no difference). Switched tv power to a different outlet(power line) still no difference. I have a dedicated power line to my system (20amp) and I am running a (Quantum octave 8) power strip from there with my amp, preamp and tv. Then another strip (ensemble) is powering my cd player, dvd player, cable box and vcr. The ensemble strip is powered by the octave also.
I do have a dimmer switch on a light in the next room, I could disconnect that or maybe just turn off that switch from the fuse panel to see if the noise is still there. Please let me know. I thank you people for your responses.
Start with just the amp. and speakers. Then connect one component at a time. Keep us posted!
