What else is on this circuit? Do you by any chance have fluorescent lighting or LED lighting with one or more transformers on the same circuit? Computer power supplies? Have you checked to see if the circuit is wired correctly from outlets back down to the breaker panel? If you have multiple outlets, how are they connected together on the circuit? Any use of j-boxes (metal), metal conduit, etc...
Have you connected the Vidar amps straight into the wall and skipped the ATC power strip? The Vidar is a stereo amp from what I can see online; did you try connecting only 1 to the speakers in its stereo native state instead of bridging to mono?
This is behaving like a ground connection unhooked, an improperly built interconnect (i.e. faulty ground), noisy transformer on the line or similar problem. Need to narrow it down further...
This situation (and that WAV file) shows a somewhat challenging situation. There are many things to check and rule out before you contemplate a power conditioner.
Have you connected the Vidar amps straight into the wall and skipped the ATC power strip? The Vidar is a stereo amp from what I can see online; did you try connecting only 1 to the speakers in its stereo native state instead of bridging to mono?
This is behaving like a ground connection unhooked, an improperly built interconnect (i.e. faulty ground), noisy transformer on the line or similar problem. Need to narrow it down further...
This situation (and that WAV file) shows a somewhat challenging situation. There are many things to check and rule out before you contemplate a power conditioner.