I just received my nova 300 from my brother in Detroit. I’m experiencing the same problem with the buzzing. Especially through my headphones. I have the th900 mk2, all the colors. The utopia, and the LCD-4Z and I’m hearing the buzzing noise from all the headphones. I purchased the b-stock on eBay. Assuming it was refurbished, a return. Now that I currently reside in South Korea, I have no idea how I can contact Peachtree to try and resolve this issue. Usually most headphone amps are dead silent, I’m hearing buzzing noises when the music is playing. Especially when the high starts to go up, I’m hearing like distortion like noises, low continuous zzzzz noises and buzzing. It’s very annoying. This is through usb-a and usb-b. I’m listening it through tidal on my iMac, iPad, and my iPhone. I hear the buzz when even the music is paused! Hear it when I play them. I don’t know how Peachtree missed this issue. The noise is very obvious. My HEGEL H360 or my Allnic 5000XL tube amp have no issues. They are all plugged into the same outlet. I’ve tried plugging the nova300 separately. Same problem, different location.
OYSTEINVIDNES, it’s not you, it’s the amp. If anyone has a solution, please feel free to post a message!
OYSTEINVIDNES, it’s not you, it’s the amp. If anyone has a solution, please feel free to post a message!