Cable Burn-In Question Interconnect & Speaker

With the known fact that Audio Cables (Interconnect & Speaker) benefit greatly from the Burn-In process...I see more Cable Retailers offering a Burn-In Service.

Curious, do most of you Hi-Fi experts prefer to burn the Cables in yourselves?

Or, do you pay the Cable Retailer to burn the cables before they are shipped to you?

Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Please don't spout your nonsense as "known fact".

Cable "burn in" is used by cable manufacturers to convince buyers to keep cables that they would otherwise return.

This is a "known fact"
Hey "Riffer"...

Why don't you just state your opinion, and support it with a little evidence. There is no reason to attack someone.

We are all just trying to learn here, or become better educated.

Maybe "you" are just smarter than the rest of us...
