Cable Distances

Due to room layout my speakers will be about 30' from my equipment rack. My question is; should I run 30' of speaker cable or is it better to invest in small monoblocks placed behind speakers and run 30' of interconnect cable from a preamp.I only have the speakers for this system ( Apogee Centaur Minors) so amplifier selection is varible.
If you decide to use speaker cable in the long run, make sure it is as nuetral as you can find. I personnally dis-agree with running the interconnect over that long of a run as it may introduce interference to the amps. I am not debating with Sidssp so please no arguments. But this is MY opinion based upon My experience.
I should have explained the reasons behind my suggestion. Please forgive my ignorance. If Pauljs was running a Coincident I would have agreed with you. But he is using an Apogee. Although the Centaur Minor is not a full-range ribbon but it is not an easy load either. I think the interactions between the Appogee and amp over a long cable will be greater than a long interconnect.
I have a similar layout and run 30' Coincident CST 1 speaker cable and shorter IC's...any issues I've had to deal with have not been speaker cable related...if I ever get monos or a different room with different layout possibilities, that could change
Pardon my ignorance, but I was also wondering a similar question. For me it has to be speaker cable, although somewhat shorter, but I was wondering on what the effect might be and how different cables can help.