cable doubter no more

i was once one that thought high end cables were just a waste of money. i upgraded my system and purchased all ps audio cables. these were replacing signal cables, i heard a clear improvment. i was satisfied, and believed my currant componenets were as good as it would get with them. i then went to the R.M.A.F. and lusted after all the great sounding gear. but my ears were bigger than my wallet. but after finding some good deals on some dh labs revelations, and a set of analysis plus blackovals, my system has been transformed. im talking a good 20% by 2 sets of interconnects and a set of speaker cables. im blown away by the improvement. to all you cable doubters out there sorry YOU ARE WRONG !! just wanted to get that out there , thanks for reading.
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im running the blackoval 9's single wire to sonus faber cremonas. i srarted with the ic's , then the speaker. i would say 50/50 on the level of improvement. the ic's giving more air and sparkle, then the 9's tightening things up giving it more focus and detail.
"So would you also say dedicated circuits, electrical receptacles, power conditioners, and isolation transformers are merely tone controls? "


They are a different kind of "tweak" that addresses a completely different aspect of the resulting sound.
I find that cables make a difference, although I'm not always convinced that "different" is the same as "better". I've never heard every cable in every possible combination of components with everybody else's ears. If somebody makes a change and likes it and feels it's an improvement, I'm happy for them. It may not work for me in my system with my ears, but that's fine, and also irrelevant to the person who likes the change in their system. I think the 20% improvement comment was just hyperbole. I also think the "You are worng " comment was not intended as an insult or childish retort. I take no offense from it. It's just the enthusiasm as a person who's changed their system to their satisfaction. Let's argue about something else other than that one person has become more enthusiastic about a part of the hobby. Lecture finished.