Cable & Interconnects for a Plinius 9200

Graduated from a Creek 6060 to a Plinius 9200 and am soliciting cable & interconnect recommendations.

I have limited range (i.e., not full range) Triangle Antal ESWs.

I have the old Acoustic Research 130T interconnects that Sam Tellig pitched 4 or 5 years back in Stereophile (my first non-factory interconnect, and they were indeed a revelation).

Just using Radio Shack copper speaker wire right now, looking to replace as well.

I am told that Blue Heaven can compensate for the darkness quality associated with the Plinius. It can't be that easy. Any help much appreciated. My cable/interconnect budget is $1,000.
I might suggest trying a used pair of Paul Speltz Anti cable speaker cables..Very low cost and could help you out considerably..Being the are cheap on the used market if you like them you can always buy a new pair after demo ing..If you don't like them they sell fast and you won't lose any money..I would also suggest do one item at a time..Either i/cs first or speaker cables..This way you will know what direction your taking after each change..Try not to bit off too much at a time..I think you will be pleasently supprized with the Anti cable price/performance...........
3 products

Power Cord- Tek Line Cables micro Reference

Interconnects- Morrow Audio or PS Audio

Speaker Cables- Clear Day solid core silver (he advertises here)
My suggestion would be to try if you can DNM solid core speaker & IC cables. I own the 9200 and this what i am using. I think it is excellent sounding and a great value. A 10 foot pair of the speaker cable was $220.00.
ICs Audio Metallurgy - GA2 or GA 0's - used them with my 8200 - auctions run on Agon; Speaker cable - Signal Cable -Ultra; Power Cord - Audio Art Power 1 (for me the only PC that has made an audible difference in its relative price range).