Cable manufacturers?

How many cable companies actually manufacture their own cable? 

Perhaps Mogami, Belden, Canare and a few others. I am willing to bet most cable companies do not manufacture their own cable, but simply buy cable, throw on some techflex or other custom jacketing, and do nice terminations. 

Anyone have any any actual Information? 

Not sure about the super annealing thing with cables. Sounds a little like cable snake oil to me. But your talk of rectangular solid core vs. round solid core is nothing new. Neither is the discussion of "skin effect." Most of us 'philes knew of these things back 20+ years ago. Same goes for mono crystal. 
Zavoto,  A few member's were talking about occ cooper like it's the purest cooper,  year's ago, Tara Lab's  use to buy and use occ cooper,  now they manufacture their own conductor's  to a higher grade cooper,  I have had this conversation with Devon Scott the vise president of Tara Lab's a few year's back🍺🎼🍺cheers 
PCOCC and UPOCC is the same. There are only three companies licensed to do the OCC process 2 in Japan 1 in Taiwan. One is not better than the other they're the same quality.