Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
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They aren't "courses". They are called "majors". And it generally takes more than one "major" to have an adequate foundation to build/design good loudspeakers.
Electrical Engineering
Acoustical Science
Mechanical Engineering

This is why it's more than a little insulting when a fast talking marketing fake gets up on a stage and starts preaching about things he knows nothing about - current delivery, damping factor, slew rate, rise time, group delay, voltage regulation, psrr, cmrr....etc..etc...

It takes years of study to master these subjects. When people listen more to slimey salesmen than professional engineers/designers, it's not hard to see why industry professionals are somewhat miffed. Why would anyone work hard to educate themselves about the science if they could simply take some marketing "courses" and BS their way through to the next paycheck? Why insist on seeing a doctor to diagnose a challenging illness when there are so many nurse practitioners who can generate a faster diagnosis at 20% less cost?
@cj1965  Wow! For someone who accuses me of yammering, that’s a lot of yammering. A whole lot. Must be tough being so uh, technical.
blah blah to offer anything with insight or new knowledge to the conversation or are you just here to shoot fish in a barrel whenever they roll into town??
Yes, that’s about it. I’m here to shoot fish in a barrel whenever they roll into town. 🤡