Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.

Science re enforces religion on a daily basis..They all (probably most) inevitably wind up talking about the "Creator"...I think the clueless ones who just accept or believe what they are told have less "religion" than those who constantly push themselves to discover. 

I think it is wonderful that you hold such deeply held matter of belief and faith and that you feel an urgent need to convert those hear who do not share your faith with you that is exactly my point! As long as the Moderators allow I encourage you to continue your diligent efforts to convert the "gullible" here and remember that you do need to proof anything because it is a matter of belief and faith you live in a free country and no one can tell you who or how to worship that is your right!
it's simpler for cables.
if home audio cable worth over $4 per foot than it is.

I don’t understand you. 

James Brown said it correctly, “It is what it is”

There are no answers to silly questions that have no place in mathematics and physics. 

As as it stands DNA seems the most likely candidate for what we think of as “life giving creation”. Certainly not as exciting as a guy with a beard up in heaven but science is science and it does not purport to answer deeper meanings as to why things are the way they are but simply how everything behaves or behaved - offering a glimpse about the future or what happened in the past or as mundane as what happens if you drive your truck at 100 MPH into a brick wall. 

Propagating strands of DNA or RNA seems to be what life is about - why else do you carry around 99% of useless turned off genes - why else does 51% of your genes match a banana. Humans are irrelevant to DNA and RNA, we are just one small subset of hundreds billions of various critters that all cary it.
I just had a banana for breakfast. Does that mean I'll get mad bananas disease? 😄
" I just had a banana for breakfast. Does that mean I'll get mad bananas disease? 😄 "

Lol...nah, you'll be fine. It's just the eggs from chickens that eat other chickens you have to worry about....