Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
simply starting with a quality power cord, next an Audience power conditioner, next interconnects, finally speaker wires how each step most certainly made a difference-for the good.
I've been to similar presentations where they were playing music I'd recorded and mixed and thought "This guy's nuts! It's different but definitely not better."

Almost assuredly, the source material and the substituted components were not picked at random. By careful cable and component selection it is possible to replace the same parts and have it make absolutely no difference or make it consistently worse.

Such demos lack any standard for rigor and should be viewed with extreme caution.

Cables and components interact. A cable may make a system better for some and not for others. The only way to tell is to listen in your system on a wide range of program over an extended period. Discount store demos and marketing hype before expending great sums. If stating same is trolling, so be it.
Yeah, right. It’s all a scam. 🙄 And you’re correct. It is trolling.

It doesn’t matter how a 1 or a 0 is represented on a CD. Only that two states can be accurately decoded and that some built in error correction (extra info like a parity bit or checksum) further ensures accuracy of decoding.

>>>>Uh, but the two states are not (rpt not) accurately decoded. Not completely accurately, anyway. That’s why the Green Pen, painting CD tray and CD Treatments and vibration isolation and vibration control improve the sound. Obviously if simeone wishes to keep the Perfect Sound Forever dream alive, by all means go for it! The error correct is better at some types of errors than others or so it would appear. Oddly, The industry (whoever that is) is completely oblivious to the issue of background scattered light.

This might be a stretch for you but the concept of digital audio does not actually require a CD to come inscribed with arabic numerals on it. Your personal computer hard drive or SSD also doesn’t have Arabic numerals inscribed on the memory storage.

>>>>Uh, don’t know what that is even supposed to mean. But I assume it’s an atttempt at humor. In any case, you obviously slept through my lecture on how the CD laser reads the data. 
Uh, but the two states are not (rpt not) accurately decoded. Not completely accurately, anyway. That’s why the Green Pen, painting CD tray and CD Treatments and vibration isolation and vibration control improve the sound.

Sorry, not true. CDs include error correction encoding and decoding to ensure that the 1s and 0s are accurately read. Green pens and anti vibration tweaks on CDs and players are a complete waste of time and money.
Everyone here prostitutes themselves to something.
This statement probably reveals more about you than you intended to share. And it's rather presumptuous of you to speak for anyone but yourself.