>>What is the underlying problem<<
What is happening is there is a slight difference in the ground potentials between the house's ground plane and the cable's ground plane...current will oscilate between the two grounds, because of this difference, causing the hum.
>>can I address it differently?<<
You could tie (connect) the cable ground directly to the house ground outside at the ground rod, this way all the ground's, cable and house, will lie at the same ground potential...or you can go for the Mondial piece which will break the ground from the cable box, and should reduce or eliminate the hum.
The Mondial piece does more than just break the ground, it also cleans up the signal, and yielded better color reproduction in my system. The Radio Shack piece, I believe will probably do just as good a job in breaking the ground, but I don't think it will yield the improvement in the color like the Mondial. That's why the Mondial piece cost so much more money.
Here is info from the site
HTH Dave
What is happening is there is a slight difference in the ground potentials between the house's ground plane and the cable's ground plane...current will oscilate between the two grounds, because of this difference, causing the hum.
>>can I address it differently?<<
You could tie (connect) the cable ground directly to the house ground outside at the ground rod, this way all the ground's, cable and house, will lie at the same ground potential...or you can go for the Mondial piece which will break the ground from the cable box, and should reduce or eliminate the hum.
The Mondial piece does more than just break the ground, it also cleans up the signal, and yielded better color reproduction in my system. The Radio Shack piece, I believe will probably do just as good a job in breaking the ground, but I don't think it will yield the improvement in the color like the Mondial. That's why the Mondial piece cost so much more money.
Here is info from the site
HTH Dave