Cables Are Crazy, what do you think?

I have been in several arguments with my best friends father on the subject of high end audio components and cables. He is a DR. of physics and mathmatics and always takes the stance that cables just transfer information and should show no effect on sound performance. He does stipulate that depending on the material used can change what information is transfered. He is no audiophile and I have tried to sit him down and show him what does happen when you do use different cables but he never seems to make the time to let me prove to him that different cables have different sounds. I know cable make a huge difference in a system, but does any one know how I can verbalize that to a DR. of physics with more intellegence then it just sounds different with different cables?
Spoolyt says "cables are expensive to manufacture". Really? Dealers buy them at 50% of retail so the manufacturing cost has to be substantially less than that for the manufacturer to make a profit and, I wonder, how many manufacturers just put a pretty cover and fancy terminations on stock cable and mark it up 1000%.
Actually, I found that plugs make a bigger difference than does the actual cable. Check other posts on this site.
Actually, I found that plugs make a bigger difference than does the actual cable.

Absolutely agree.

When I put the ear plugs in I can no longer hear my wife screaming at me.