Cables "Burn In"

Please,how many days should I wait before my Siltech G3 interconnects are burn in?The sound will be very different?Thanks.
I told you...

Too bad you can't hear---I didn't say it with any derogatory meaning--just the plain truth.

It's not good that you're taking this personal. I approached cable cooking with an open mind and gave Sean interconnects of which I had duplicates. I was able to keep a control set of two brands of rather similar design and construction (I *am* a scientist, BTW). The results were more than subtle.

I emailed Sean that his cable cooker is a threat to the cable industry. From what I understand, the better the cable, the less dramatic the effect of cooking, so maybe $600-$800 a meter interconnects will show very slight improvement versus cheaper ones...
Pbb, as i've mentioned before to others here, you are more than welcome to send me some cables to "burn" for you so long as you cover the shipping both ways. I don't mind doing favors, but i'm not footing the bill for your postage : ) Sean
I use a Purist Audio System Enhancer CD to break-in my new cables. Just pop it in your CD player and your cables are broken-in in around 70 minutes.
Bob, what does the Purist disc do that no other disc or combinations of discs can offer ? Since one can find recordings with white noise, pink noise, brown noise, sine waves, square waves, triangle waves, frequency sweeps, etc... and all of the various dynamic waveforms known to man via musical instruments, what could this disc do differently ? I am not trying to be a "smart ass", i'd simply like to know what they tell you in terms of marketing their product ? Sean