Pbb said:
"Who cares what the claims are. Who cares what, if any, explanation is proferred. The only thing that counts is whether you hear an improvement in the sound. The rest is just techno-babble, scientific jargon and ex-post facto rationalisation. We live in a Golden Age of audio where we are truly blessed by researchers and hobbyists who are not afraid to go against the commonly held beliefs in physics and engineering, to try out various tweaks based on hunches, and you know what, most of these are correct and produce advancements in the listening experience..."
Finally Pbb,
you've said something with common sense. It's a real step forward! You can be proud of yourself!
This diskussion about "burning in" cables did it for you! It seems that your brain "burned in" quite a bit! Lets hope the effect won't deteriorate with time...
Cheer up!