Cables for interconnect and speakers?

ideas as to what you like in the above subject? I have had very little experience with this subject, and understand that you can run the gamut. For an audio system with a good tube amplifier, turntable, speakers----total value approx 30,000 dollars--what moves you, and why?
I think it's not what moves us but what moves you that matters. I can't think of any audio product that you don't want to by "by the label" more so than cables. If you're in the USA I strongly recommend getting in touch with The Cable Company and trying cables in your system , going any other way is gonna be a waste of your time and money.
I'm not that well versed when it comes to cables but I went from an all Supra cabling, except for the PC to all Zu Mission cabling when they had the sale before the end of last year. The level of improvement was better than I had thought it would be. Much better. For the price it was a steal. At their current prices, I wouldn't have entertained the thought of buying them. Silly me.

The benefits of better cabling are demonstrable but just where one limits one's spending lies the rub. One of the Zu guys used to work for Kimber so he knows what he's doing. One of Zu's earlier designs was compared to a $5000+ Stealth IC by Srajan when he was at Positive Feedback Online and he thought it came within 'spitting distance' of the Stealth and was its equal on some measures. I wouldn't know 'cause I'd never fork over that kind of money on some wires. But there are some makes out there that will truly transform, or at least complete your system. You just have to be patient. Some makes allow in home trials, which is a good thing since by the time you get them, they're practically, if not already, broken in.

I wish you the best.