Cables for Krell,Thiel and Sony System?

Looking for some recommendations on speaker cables and interconnects for my system below:

Krell FPB 300cx Amp
Krell KCT Pre-amp
Thiel 6 Speakers
Sony SCD-1 CD Player
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
Depending on price Purist Audio Design offers cables that will suit your system well, Proteus or better yet Dominus lines.
NBS Monitor series works great with krells,the
higher in the line the better.
Alpha-core Goertz - in an interview with a gentleman from AC he mentions both Krell and Thiel as 2 companies that like his cables - the interview is in a Stereophile mag from about 2 years ago - look at a recommended components issue and it will tell you which one. I'm using MI2's between Classe and Thiel 3.6 and it is awesome.