Calling all MC275 MK IV owners..............

I just set up my new MC275 and although the tubes have about 90 minutes on them, I'm blown away by the sound - I wish I discovered tubes 10 years ago.

Anyway, a few questions:

1. What gain level do I set the amp to. I cranked it all the way up but is there an "optimum setting?" I'm running these in stereo mode with unbalanced connections.

2. In a couple of days another MC275 gets delivered and I plan to run them in mono mode also using unbalanced connections. What gain setting is optimal for that configuration?

3. I have the amps on a trigger switch and noticed that on power up the tubes sort of glows a bit brighter for a second then settles back into the normal orange filament glow. is this normal?

4. What is tube rolling?

Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. Sorry if these questions are a bit stupid.

Showing 2 responses by bigjoe

hi pookie.

tube rolling is just trying out different brands & types of tubes.

the glow you spoke of is normal & after the tubes break in they will settle down.

there isnt a optimum setting for your gain controls but you can use them to your benifit,i set my gain to where my max listening volume is at 100% of the volume adjustment on the preamp.

you cant hurt your amps by running the gain any old way you like so just have fun & enjoy your new gear,the new class of mac amps are amazing & i get a ton of enjoyment out of mine too.

just out of curiosity what preamp are you going to run with the 2 mc 275's & whats the rest of your rig.

i own the c2200 preamp & i love it,i ran a mc2102 on the c2200 & the 2 tube units paired up nicely,you shouldnt have a mismatch with the c2200 mc275 combo.
