I'll second Cello's suggestion on the UNIverse. My cartridge progression has been:
Shelter 501
Shelter 90X (audition)
Airy 3
The Airy 3 bested the Shelter 90X and finalized my decision to jump on the ZYX bandwagon. I had an opportunity to audition a UNIverse in my system, and there was no turning back after the first few seconds.
As good as the Airy3 is, the UNIverse is in an entirely different league. It perfectly balances all of the usual audiophile traits: transparency without glare, soundstaging without etching, PRAT and ease, detail without fatique. I could go on and on.
I have never been more satisfied with my system since owning this cartridge. I've matched it with a TriPlanar arm and an Amazon Model 1 turntable.
As far as gain is concerned, my Thor TA-2000 preamp has 20db of gain on the MC input, which is more than enough. I find that I set the volume knob about 2db louder than my CD input to get equivalent volume levels.
BTW, Mehran of SORASound is one of the nicest, service-oriented people in this hobby of ours. When you speak with him feel free to mention my name (Wayne).
Shelter 501
Shelter 90X (audition)
Airy 3
The Airy 3 bested the Shelter 90X and finalized my decision to jump on the ZYX bandwagon. I had an opportunity to audition a UNIverse in my system, and there was no turning back after the first few seconds.
As good as the Airy3 is, the UNIverse is in an entirely different league. It perfectly balances all of the usual audiophile traits: transparency without glare, soundstaging without etching, PRAT and ease, detail without fatique. I could go on and on.
I have never been more satisfied with my system since owning this cartridge. I've matched it with a TriPlanar arm and an Amazon Model 1 turntable.
As far as gain is concerned, my Thor TA-2000 preamp has 20db of gain on the MC input, which is more than enough. I find that I set the volume knob about 2db louder than my CD input to get equivalent volume levels.
BTW, Mehran of SORASound is one of the nicest, service-oriented people in this hobby of ours. When you speak with him feel free to mention my name (Wayne).