Cambridge Audio 640c V2, 650c, or 740c differences

I want to add a CD player to my basic system utilizing the Cambridge Audio 640a V2 integrated amp.

There must be someone with experience with the Cambridge Audio 640c V2, 650c, and 740c CD players.
... What will I loose by buying the 640c V2 for cheap?
... Or more importantly what will I gain by moving up the line to the new 650c or older 740c
... Or should I just add the DACMagic to my universal DVD player?
mjcmt, you ask a really good question--i know some people prefer non-upsampling cdps because they're more forgiving, less glaring and sound more "analog" sounding than upsampling cdps. it's really a matter of personal taste, and, as you aver to, probably very-equipment dependent. all that said, i would still try out the dacmagic, which is all the rave on these pages--whether because of or in spite of its upsampling abilities, almost everyone thinks it walks on water. it's cheap and a fluid commodity which will depreciate very little--if you ultimately don't like it, you can assuredly resell it for what you paid for it.
Don't be fooled by that rave review of the Dacmagic. Yes, it is lively and dynamic but the top end is a little rough. I think the 640 v2 is a better proposition.