Cambridge Audio 751 BD or Oppo BDP95?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare these two players? If so, what were your impressions. I want to buy one of these players but, i can only audition the Cambridge. Thanks for any feedback

Audiozen, the DacMagic contains 2x wolfsen chips. One for each of it's 2 channels. The BD-751 contains 5x wolsen chips. One for each of it's five channels (you will only be using 2 for stereo).

The DacMagic uses ATF upsampling tehchology licensed from Anagram Technologies, which has now been renamed as 'Q5 upsampling'. Same thing in the BD751.

So you can see, the sonic signature of these devices will be much the same due to the use of common components and design.

DacMagic has the sonic advantage of a dedicated enclosure and power supply not shared with an optical player. And it also has the convenience of multiple digital inputs.
I'm surprised that there haven't been any comparisons yet. I am definitely interested in knowing the real differences in PQ and SQ between these two affordable players. I am currently using a Marantz BD7003 and running the sound through a Cambridge Audio 840C, which to me ears is only somewhat better; no huge gain. I understand I may not acheive a noticably better SQ with the new players, but I'm wondering if the PQ will be significantly better than my current player.

Well, the Cambridge Audio was a player of some interest to me until I read, on Cambridge Audio's website that it has the AT Q5 192Khz "as featured in the Audio Magic DAC". I have owned a Cambridge Audio Audio Magic DAC... for a bout 3 weeks. Why only 3 weeks ? Because it sounded really bad to my ears...

On the opposite side, I have been lend a Sabre based DAC (the Moon 350D) by a dealer ! That was an amazing product...

So even though I have not heard those players (I currently own the Oppo BDP-93 NuForce Edition, and that sounds already really good !) I would recommend the Oppo.
I just picked up the 751 today. I chose the 751 solely because of the fan noise complaints of the 95. However, I am thinking of ordering the 95 to do an AB comparison. So far I really like the 751 sound right out of the box. I got the 751 after returning the Sony 5400ES. It just was a little too bright for my system.

I'll update if I decide to get the 95.