Cambridge Audio axa35 integrated amplifier ?


It’s been several years since my last post.  Years back I sold off all my audio gear, tubes, 800 or so albums.   Now getting back into the groove but on a much smaller scale money wise.   I acquired a used pair of Tekton Lore speakers.   Have an older NAD dvd/cd player running through a Schiit Modi dac.  The Tekons are efficient so I’ve been checking reviews on the Cambridge Audio axa35.   Reviews seem stellar for the price point.   Anyone using this amp?   Comments?    I also considered the NAD 3020 Class D.   I’ve owned tube gear so I tend to prefer sound slightly on the warmer side.   Budget is 350 ish.  Thank you 


So for giggles I’m trying an Onkyo TX-NR809 AV receiver I had sitting around that I paid $150 for.  This retailed for $1100 years back.   I have it set to Pure Audio mode which limits to 2 channel and bypasses all the DTS And tone control processing.  Well, it sounds pretty good actually.   The $500 I spent on the used Tektons is just about the best money I’ve spent in audio over the years.  Also no need for a subwoofer either.   May still go the integrated route but thinking I’ll have go up the food chain and up my budget so to speak to make a notable improvement in sound quality

Here’s a follow up.   I got lucky and scored a latest version Rega Brio integrated amplifier via Craigslist for $300 just 10 miles from my home.  Looking forward to hooking it up tomorrow and see how it integrates with the Tekton Lores.  Will post my observations soon.

The Rega Brio integrated amp is a great pairing with the Tekton Lores.   Musical, detailed and plenty of power for these speakers.   $500 for the speakers used, $300 for the Rega.   $150 for the Schiit Modi via an older NAD cd/dvd player.   Could not happier given my under 1k budget.