Can a DAC sort out a flat\cold amp?

My pc is connected to an external sound card (scarlett 2i4 by focusrite). I bought the Yamaha a-s1200 & am really disappointed at the brightness & the lack of bass to the extend I prefer listening to my portable JBL boombox. I'm in no position to sell or trade this amplifier so I thought a DAC with eq may help the predicament. Since auditioning my equipment is not an option in my country I have no choice but to buy something purely on recommendations. I also thought about replacing the speakers but since I listen to soundcloud & youtube i really think upscaling & eq will be much more cost effective option in sorting out this issue & may give me the confidence to try a much more expensive speaker option. what would you recommend?


@orenm145 Nice meters shame about the sound! This amp is Mid-Fi at best. Decide if you want an integrated amp or separate pre and power amps. Then decide if you want a streamer/server with built in DAC or not.

Computer audio is full of noise and it's better to gradually remove it from your system.

If I was in your position I'd get a DAC first, a Chinese one will give you the best value and then upgrade everything as necessary.

I know this amp is my problem but  i can’t just buy another 3k amp. currently my biggest problem is the bass , i’ll worry about noise later. I really don’t know what so you mean by chinese dac. Can you give an example?

buying another amp or seperates are out of the question. When i plug in my dj controller & tweak the sound mid,hi,low it sound good enough for me. Is there a way to get an eq on thouse chinese dacs?


as for the speakers they are not to blame since they sound good with my old amp which was a pioneer home theater 100w. Long story short i just need a cheap fix until i’ll manage to find a replacement. Cables did not help. Even buying a warmer speaker might not do the trick since this amp is not so easy to pair with speakers. 

Buy a Shitt Loki EQ. It used to be about $130, but I haven’t looked lately. 

Like @jasonbourne52 , I doubt it is the amp. I have heard this amp and it didn't sound bad to me. Aamof Bill Watkins used that amp to demo the Gen 4 speakers which go down to 41 hz. There was no doubt that they hit the 41hz.. I suspect something else or an incompatibility issue