Can anyone recommend a great tube preamp that also has a headphone out?

Can anyone recommend a great tube preamp that also has a headphone out? One I tried that I really liked is the Zesto Leto 1.5, but it's really pricey. Looking to spend 3 grand, at most. Thanks!


I agree with the Don Sachs Preamp. I hope to get one soon as well. But HOW does one get "spousal approval"?. I'm not sure my wife has ever given least until after she hears it. I had to sneak a ScoutMaster turntable in the house. She didn't notice cause it looked similar to the one it reeplaced. But I messed up a month later when I brought her the credit card bill with it listed. I didn't mean to do that.. That was about 10 yrs ago. Shes still with me....43 yrs this yr.
Check into the Rogue Pharaoh,  it's probably got all you ask for and more. Has a great headphone out! IMO. it's right in your budget brand new.

“...But HOW does one get "spousal approval"

Sometimes its much better to ask for forgiveness later than ask for permission first.
I use the Linear Tube Audio MZ2 solely as my preamp today, the best I’ve ever owned.  It not only has a headphone output, it is a premier headphone amp.  Check the many reviews.  Most buy this for their headphones.  I’ll be dipping my toes into headphone usage soon. I do a lot of late night listening and headphones will be the answer for not disturbing the wife.