Can AVR DC Output at Preamp Outs be Increased?

Can the DC voltage output at a typical AVR be increased from a specified 1.0V output to 10V or more output Volts?

If so, would this be done by upgrading the DC voltage opamps in the preamp out section of opamps in the DC voltage section of the receiver. Or is there another way this could be accomplished?

And has anyone ever done this?
I understand you are now talking about dynamic range, a completely new subject. What I do not understand is how you think more voltage is going to increase dynamic range?
@vinhyl_rules yes it does and to answer your question you can.  I would have to look at the design to see how to make the design change and if it would make sense to do.

Happy Listening.
let’s start w the basics, musical signals are AC…….

DC is a speaker killer., and why most amps filter DC from the input….

iF you want a bit of gain juice, run a tape loop or a Schitt Loki, or ?….