Can cables of any cost and quality provide bass response missing in my B&W speakers?

I'm sure variants of this question have been offered previously, but let me ask in light of the following:  I have a very modest main system powered by an Adcom 555II amp, Adcom GFP-750 pre-amp, and run into a pair of B&W CM-4 speakers (6.5in woofer, 6.5in. woofer/mid. and tweeter, and bi-wireable).  Any music with a moderate-to- heavy bass component (organ, bass fiddle, etc) just doesn't translate to my ear.  I'm using a mid-range pair of Monster cables, and in fact tried a second pair of Z-Series to no audible difference.  On the other hand I have a legacy pair of a/d/s 1090L tower speakers (2x7.5in woofers, 6in. mid-range, tweeter) that deliver thundering bass when needed regardless of cabling used, and powered by the same system.  Even tried passive bi-amping for the B&Ws by using an old Carver M-500t amp for HF input, and Adcom amp for LF diff.  Is there any point really in looking at higher-end speaker wire of, e.g., thicker gauge, or exotic geometry, or multi-conductor "shotgunning", whatever, in order to induce greater LF response from the CM-4s?  Thanks for your patience.
Also, an Ebay seller called Maze Audio sells paired “litz” speaker cable (poss. 9awg equivalent, not specified in ad), 9ft., terminated, for $240.
Speaker cable, power cords and interconnect cable can very definitely make a difference as to the issue you mention!



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B&W won't have good bass and lousy treble either model 800 .... ( never get deep , tight and strong bass ) ... you should go with Dynaudio speakers .... for bookshelf go with :
Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum 
Make you happy all the time !!!!
High Fidelity Cables (HFC) has various products that I would highly recommend. I have their Reveal line of cables to include RCA, XLR, and power cable. Each product significantly benefited my system. Surprisingly, you may want to start with their MC-0.5 power conditioner. My first experience with HFC was with the MC-0.5 - it increased clarity, fullness, depth and soundstage presence. 
As a cable guy I will say it clearly - forget about it. In any case, you want balanced cables not 'tone controls'. The only thing you might want to try is to put a better power cord on the amp. Other than that - sorry, you need better speakers, but you know it.